An apartment that is warm, cozy and feels like home
Blazer game date nights
Chocolate and Coffee
Disneyland vacations
Election in 2016!
Friends who keep me laughing
Husband Matt who loves me
Inside jokes with family and friends
Jeremy, my brother and my soon to be sister -in-law Christa
Kay heritage that taught me that I can do ANYTHING I sent my mind to
Military troops and all their sacrifices to keep us safe and free
Never ending reruns of Friends and Big Bang Theory
Oregon weather
Parents that are AMAZING!
Quiet time
Reliable cars
Spike the Hedgehog
Umbrellas while on bus duty
Vacation getaways to the beach
Wonderful career
eXtremely optimistic attitude
Yellow, the most cheerful color of all
Zoo trips

I hope your Thanksgiving gave you plenty of time to pause and reflect. May that feeling of thanks last you all year.