Today was a day to take a break from Social Media. Sheesh, its ugly in the media world, people. One good thing I have seen in the last couple of days via social media was a quote, "Be kind or be quiet". I love it! Did you know there is an 'out there' where people actually talk with one another, smile, interact, say kind words and generally enjoy themselves? Hudson and I took part in that world today and it was delightful.
We headed out to a splash pad where I watched my kind, sweet, socially anxious boy meet a new friend-to the point where the kids introduced us parents and we exchanged phone numbers...and guess what?? They live in Canby too!, he was kind to others, shared his toys, used his words, splashed and giggled the day away! Then, we came home to play cars, watch Booba, dance to Toto the Turtle, splash our Little People in our pretend swimming pool. I also dyed some rice for our summer sensory bin.
Here's to a summer with more face to face social time and less social media!