
Friday, September 2, 2011

Detroit Lake Camping

We spend our last weekend of summer camping at Detroit Lake with Matt's family. Due to a crying baby in the tent site next to ours, I was awake at 6:30 and decided to go down to the lake and watch the sun come up. What a great reminder of amazing our God is!
Take a look!

So peaceful

Being goofy

Getting a bit brighter

peaking over the mountian

Hello Mr. Sun

A little bit higher

So pretty!

Getting closer


The sun is big ;)

Mr. Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me!

What a site!
Now, I don't have a fancy camera so I know I am not doing it justice, but trust me, it was pretty incredible to watch. And....when the sun finally peaked over the mountian, it took less than 2 minutes until it was all over. Amazing and well worth the wait.

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