Our plan, host a dinner party at least once a month for our friends (or meet at a restaurant, if that's easier). So, please check your schedule and find a few nights (weekdays or weekends, whatever works best for you) that you'd like to come over and let us know!
Yes, if you are reading this, we are talking about YOU and your family!

Alex and Steve, Jerome and Becky, Brian and Sabrina, Nathaniel and Haley, Stacey and Dan, Vince and Christi, Natalie and Mike, Sean and Jessica, Jen and Tim, Brooke and Zach, Jenni and Nick, Ryan and Sarah, Lacy and Dave, Mimi and Jeff, Alex and Hannah, Hailey, Kayla, Jenny, Carrie, Laura, Tina and many more!
A Big Thank You to Vince and Christi for already getting 2 dates set!