I am thankful for:

a wonderful family.
a job that I enjoy.
students who work hard for me.
plenty of food.
warm place to live.
our lovely hedgehog; Spike!
2 reliable and paid for cars.
a fabulous trip to Disneyland.
my best girl friend; Alex Dewey.
ice cream, Popsicles and drugs (or at least I will be on December 13th).
a fantastic substitute, Lacy Prescott, who can keep things going in room 15, without missing a beat!
Oregon weather; both the rain and the sunshine.
our wonderful military and all the sacrifices their families make to help keep our country free.
all the many people and events that are part of my daily life.
I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving with those you love!
Love you Aly!! So happy to have you in my life and to be in yours!